Follow Your Passion
At BICP, we believe there is a clear delineation between a job and a career. Our people take great pride in being part of an incredibly dynamic, highly autonomous organization focused in BI, Advanced Analytics and Innovation Platform solutions that is structured to ensure rapid growth both professionally and personally. We feel firmly that our company is only as strong as the people within it, and for this reason, we are looking only for the best and brightest to join our growing family. We empathetically believe that organic growth, through mentorship and promotion from within, is the best kind of growth.
Working with BICP can lead your career down many paths, whether you see BICP as the end game where you can grow and flourish, or if it’s a stepping stone that accelerates your career objectives, our goal with each and every employee is, when you look back, you can honestly say working with BICP was the right choice.