Big Data + Analytics: The Path Forward
Our CPG customers are starting to understand how essential Big Data is for their respective consumers. Our customers are uncovering many new use cases for leveraging Big Data with easy to use tools such as Hadoop, Alteryx and Tableau for instance. We are helping our customers to build Advanced Analytics solutions that all consumers to buy better products that they like, when they like to have the products, wherever consumers are on whatever platform and at a price consumers like to pay. The less obvious areas that are starting to emerge at a huge speed are in the Health Care industry. We are working with our customers to create strategies where Big Data will be enabling personal treatments for cancer and personalized drug development by storing human genomes and clinical trial information. Other areas in Health Care are also coming to the market where an RFID chip is implanted in a Solid Dose Drug Medicine and is monitoring and sending constantly medicine levels in a patient’s blood to medical institutions that are providing care. If deviations occur, doctors and patients can be alerted in time. BICP and its customers are pushing Advanced Analytics across old boundaries with innovative ideas that are grounded in their “production strength” SAP BI solutions that we helped to build.